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Hey Gators -

Party Gator

Welcome to my home page!

Link to This site is best viewed with some Jimmy Buffett music and a margarita. Click on the parrot to visit Radio Margaritaville. You'll have to fix your own margarita tho! Here are some links to a simple recipe and a detailed recipe.

Hi, I'm Donna McCraw, and I live in Gainesville, Florida. I work at The University of Florida as a Senior Computer Something-or-Other, which means I'm pretty far down on the food chain there.

On this site you will find my Life Story In A Nutshell (mostly work and school). My Photo Album contains photos of me, plus photos of lighthouses, famous runners, the Disney Marathon, and various other running events. My Favorite Links Page has links to stuff I access a lot.

Come up and say hi if you see me at a local race! My email address is:

my email address

Yes, I know that the email button doesn't do anything when you click on it. Thanks to the invention of "spambot" programs, I had to disable it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Pond Gator
Y'all come back again sometime!