Gator Trails

Gator Statues in Gainesville, FL

IMG_0778e - Robby Freeride Gator

This is a list of alligator statues that were created for the Gator Trails art project in Gainesville and Alachua County, Florida - home of the University of Florida and the Florida Gators. The statues were on display around town in 2002 and 2003. I started this site because the original Gator Trails site is no longer being used to provide info about the statues.

I have attempted to describe the statues below below. Some statues were damaged while on display, therefore you may see photos of them with broken or missing accessories. I started a photo group on Flickr devoted to alligator statues, and contains some of the Gator Trails gators - see

You can also see photos in a book called "Gator Trails", published in 2002 by Keep Alachua Beautiful, INC. I purchased a used copy on Amazon - Click here to see the book on Amazon.

Below is the entire list of 59 statues, in alpha order. I have listed the current location for a few of them. If you know the current location of any others, please contact me at - make sure you put "Gator Trails" in the subject line so that I can find among the spam.

Abby Alligator This one is a female gator wearing a bridal dress.
Albert T. Gator This is a male gator in wedding attire, with top hat and tux.
All American Gator This gator is blue with white stars.
Alligatourist This gator has a blue floral shirt, camera, binoculars, hat, sunglasses, backpack, and carries a Gator pennant.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Farol's Fotos.
Alligraft This gator wears a white outfit with colorful trim, carries an organ donor card, and has a big red heart on the front. The heart has a black ribbon on it.
Ally, the Snowbird Gator This gator carries a crutch and wears cast on one leg.
Angel Gator This gator is green and yellow, with white angel wings.
Art, the Trailblazer Gator This gator wears tan safari clothing, and carries walking stick, binoculars, and backpack.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
ArtiGator This gator wears red overalls, and has an artist's brush and palette.
Aviator Gator This gator is dressed for jumping out of a plane.
Celebration Gator This gator honors the University of Florida's 150th anniversary. It wears an orange shirt and a blue Gator cap, with "Celebrate 2003" in large letters and "1853" in smaller letters.
Conductor Gator This gator is a music conductor wearing glasses, dark jacket, striped pants, and holds a baton with a music symbol (a G-clef, I'm told).
Click here for photo by Flickr user luv2run.
Darth Gator This gator is dressed like Darth Vader, of course!
Digi-Gator This is a blue gator, with the numerals 1 and 0 painted in white on the front. It holds a fiberoptic cable.

Current Location: This gator was spotted on 8/18/2007 at the Cox Cable office on NW 43rd Street in Gainesville, FL.
Click here for photo by Flickr user luv2run.
Dodging Extinction This gator has palm trees and nature scenes painted on it.
Domigator This gator is dressed like a Domino's pizza delivery person with red pizza carrier and blue vest.
Downtown Wireless Gator, MD This gator wears white lab coat and carries wireless device.
Dr. Joel This gator wears Florida Gator attire and has "Dr. Joel" on shirt, in memory of Joel Katz, DPM.
EduGator This gator wears a white toga and holds a scroll.
Endangered HabiGator This gator is bronze-colored, and has an owl on its right shoulder.
G3000 This is a futuristic robotic gator.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
Gainesville Gator This gator is dressed like Emmitt Smith, with #22 football uniform, and carries football.
Gator del Sol This gator is mostly blue with gold starts, and has a sun with a face on its chest, similar to logo of its sponsor, the Gainesville Sun. The gator carries a staff with a globe on top.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
Gator Grad This gator wears a graduation cap, plus a blue cape with orange trim.
Gator Skin This gator has a fancy mosaic skin with different shades of green.
Gene, the DNA Gator This gator has a helix design painted on the front.
Giving Gator This gator has an orange front with a red heart on chest, with text "Give a Life" to promote blood donation. The gator is covered with a collage of messaes on tissue paper assembled by students at Kanapaha Middle School.
Golf Gator This gator wears golf attire, with orange and blue argyle socks, and carries a golf club and golf ball.
Ground Zero Construction Gator This gator is dressed like a construction worker in orange hard hat, tool belt, plaid shirt, carries tools.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
Innovation Gator This gator is in a wheelchair, and carries a sign "Empowerment".
JazziGator This gator has a saxaphone and wears a Blues Brothers hat.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
Legisgator This gator is dressed like Uncle Sam, and wears a blue vest with a red bowtie and white hat. The pants have vertical red and white stripes.

Current Location: This gator was spotted on 8/18/2007, on NW 13th street near NW 11th Road in Gainesville, FL.
Liberty Gator This gator looks like the Statue of Liberty.
Click here for photo by Flickr user luv2run.
Live a Vacation This green gator wears blue shorts with an orange design (paw prints?). It carries a tennis racket and sunglasses.
Mirror, Mirror This gator is covered with a mosaic of mirrors.
Mr. Two Bits This gator wears a yellow shirt and striped tie, and carries whistle and a "Two Bits" sign. Just like the real Mr. Two Bits!
Ms. Mallagator This is a female gator wearing a mini skirt, pink top, and jewelry, and carries purse.
Navigator This gator has a map of Florida painted on it.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
Ninja Gator This gator has a ninja warrior painted on the front, carries a stick, and wears kind of a skirt(?)
One With Nature Gator This is a seated gator wearing a green shirt, with a camera and backpack.
Orange and Blue Gator This gator has orange and blue skin, and carries a Gator pennant on a big pole.
Patriot Gator This gator has a blue chest with white stars. The inner legs have red and white stripes, and the outer legs have a red and blue design. The gator also hase red, white, and blue stripes down its back.
Power Gator Many people call this "Super Gator" because it is dressed like Superman. However, it is called Power Gator and has a "G" on the front, for GRU, the local utility company which sponsored it.
Click here for photo by Flickr user luv2run.
Proper T. Gator (realtor) This gator wears a light blue jacket, with a vest and tie, and has a "sold" sign.
Proud American Gator This one has an eagle head and wings, so it looks more like an eagle than a gator. It carries an American flag.
Rainforest Gator This is a seated gator with butterfly wings, and has a butterfly sitting on its right paw.
Red, White & Blue Gator This gator's head and chest are blue with white stars. The bottom section of the statue has red and white diagonal stripes.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Farol's Fotos.
Current Location: This gator was spotted on 8/18/2007 in front of the Perry insurance bulding, on NW 13th street near NWth 12th Road in Gainesville, FL.
Robby Freeride Gator This is a surfer gator with a surfboard, swimtrunks, and sunglasses.
Click here for photo by Flickr user luv2run.
SCUBA Gator This is a seated gator with SCUBA gear.
Sir Lids a Lot This gator has a top hat and tails, plus a red bowtie. It carries flowers, perhaps made out of metal lids?
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead
Skylar Gator This gator is painted with a swamp scene. It has sky and clouds on the top section, a lake in the center, and foliage on bottom.
Starry Night This is a fanciful metallic gold gator, seated and holding a coiled jewelled rod.
Swampy "T" This gator has a swamp scene painted on it, with a rainbow painted on one shoulder.
Telecommunigator This gator has a communications tower painted on its chest.
Swamp Gator This gator has Ben Hill Griffin football stadium on its chest, with a Gator helmet in the center. It carries a football.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Farol's Fotos.
Swamp Realtor This is a plain green gator with pale chest.
Transit Gator This is a bus-driver gator. It is seated and wears orange and blue clothing. It has little wings on its head and holds a steering wheel in its right paw.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Random McRandomhead.
Vincent Van Go Gator This gator wears a hat and carries an artist's palette and brush. The bottom part is painted with Van Gogh designs.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Farol's Fotos.
Waiter Gator This gator has a mustache, and is dressed like a waiter at a fine restaurant.
Click here for photo by Flickr user Farol's Fotos.

Created on ... August 16, 2007